Tuesday, December 30, 2008

the grand experiment

I'd just like to say, quickly, that having a blog has been a real love/hate exercise. At times I get very into the idea, but for the majority, posting is so low on my priority list that I find it hard to get anything together.

I post most often when I'm at my computer trying to avoid work, which could be a problem now that I have begun my first ever...


Thank you, Lolcat, for illustrating my dilemma.

Imagine a world, in which distraction is merely a click away, sometimes closer. Behind the open window of Microsoft Word lecture notes, tabs and tabs of internet memes clutter my screen. This class is going to be cake (delicious cake...you must eat it...), but working up motivation and concentration provides enough challenge. I signed up for this session to circumvent taking POS 160 during the school year and, I assumed, I would be doing nothing important over the break anyway. Two weeks of doing nothing important later, I have sub-zero work ethic.

However, coffee solves all problems. Where would we be without it? Probably exactly where we are now, posting on this blog, minus shaky hands and a full bladder.

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